
Hello, I am Syahiran. As part of my undergraduate study of Computer Science (CS) at the National University of Singapore (NUS), I undertook a Software Engineering module (CS2103T) in my third year. Together with four other students from CS, we modified and improved the given address book application into a database management system called CLInic. This project portfolio serves to document my contributions to this project.

CLInic is a desktop application, which means it can run on a computer’s operating system without the need for a web browser. It is designed specifically for clinics, and helps to reduce the manual labour of daily administrative tasks like:

  • Maintaining a database of patients and their medical records

  • Checking and updating medicine inventory

  • Generating receipts, medical certificates and referral letters for patients

CLI is an acronym for "Command Line Interface", as CLInic works by typing commands directly into the application through the CLI. Together with CLInic’s clean Graphical User Interface (GUI), the application allows for an easy and intuitive experience for both technical and non-technical users alike.

Summary of Contributions

This section summarises my contributions to the project, and provides links to my code and pull requests.

  • Major enhancement: I supported the implementation of the Document class, along with its accompanying extending classes MedicalCertificate and ReferralLetter.

    • What it does: This feature allows for the doctor to input information, like the duration of medical leave and referred location, to easily generate medical certificate and referral letter documents in the form of HTML files.

    • Justification: This feature takes in the relevant information that has been keyed in and structures them in a way that is presentable and professional. This can help to reduce the incidences of error that arise due to illegible handwriting.

    • Highlights: This feature is intended to decrease the need for pen and paper documentation. Most people can type significantly faster than they can write. Also, legibility of handwriting may affect comprehension. In the case of referral letters, where vital medical information may be conveyed, we want the information to be presented as clearly as possible.

  • Minor enhancement: I added shorthand codes for most of the commands in CLInic to reduce the amount of typing necessary when using the CLI.

    • Justification: Some commands like dispenseMedicine and MedicalCertificate are really long, so it can be troublesome for the user to type the whole command in order to execute the command. Instead, users can type dm and mc to execute the same respective commands.

  • Code contributed: View my code for the project here!

  • Other contributions:

    • Documentation:

      • Edited the language and style of the User Guide: #126

      • Added a Command Summary table to the User Guide: #129

    • Community:

      • Reviewed PRs (with non-trivial review comments): #115

    • Enhancements to existing features:

      • Attempted to implement a discount feature for patients under health assistance schemes, but this shall be pushed to v2.0: #176

Contributions to the User Guide

Provided below are excerpts of my contributions to the User Guide. This section showcases my ability to write documentation targeting end-users.

Generating medical certificate: mc

Does the patient need to be excused from school or work to rest? Let’s give him a medical certificate!
Format: mc INDEX

The patient’s INDEX in the Served Patient Queue must be a positive integer (i.e. 1, 2, 3, …​).


  • mc 1
    Generates a medical certificate for the 1st patient in the Served Patient Queue.

mc fig
Figure 1. Generating a medical certificate for patient Alex Yeoh.

Generating referral letter: refer

Does the patient need to consult a specialist? Let’s give him a referral letter!
Alias: ref

Format: refer INDEX

The patient’s INDEX in the Served Patient Queue must be a positive integer (i.e. 1, 2, 3, …​).


  • refer 7
    Generates a referral letter for the 7th patient in the Served Patient Queue.

refer fig
Figure 2. Generating a referral letter for patient Alex Yeoh.

Command Summary


Command Word Command Alias Format Example




add n/John Doe p/98765432 e/ a/John Street, block 123, #01-01







edit INDEX [n/NAME] [p/PHONE] [e/EMAIL] [a/ADDRESS] [t/TAG]…​

edit 1 p/91234567 e/




find Betsy Tim John



delete INDEX

delete 2



select INDEX

select 3



addmedicalrecord INDEX [b/BLOOD_TYPE] [d/PAST_DISEASE]…​ [da/DRUG_ALLERGY]…​ [m/NOTE]…​ or
addmedicalrecord IC_NUMBER [b/BLOOD_TYPE] [d/PAST_DISEASE]…​ [da/DRUG_ALLERGY]…​ [m/NOTE]…​​

addmedicalrecord 5 b/A+ da/Paracetamol d/Diabetes or
addmedicalrecord S94738123X b/B+


Command Word Command Alias Format Example




addmedicine mn/panadol msq/500 ppu/0.50 sn/1234 s/1000




editmedicine 1 n/hydrazine s/50022 p/20 min/30



restock INDEX amt/AMOUNT

restock 2 amt/123







findmedicine SERIAL_NUMBER

findmedicine 1001





Contributions to the Developer Guide

Provided below are excerpts of my contributions to the Developer Guide. This section showcases my ability to write technical documentation and the technical depth of my contributions to the project.

Implementation of MedicalCertificate

The MedicalCertificate class structure is as follows:

  • Has attributes of the ServedPatient it is generated from, which includes the ServedPatient 's name and IcNumber.

    • These attributes are marked as final as they should not be changed.

  • Contains additional information like the duration, start-date and end-date of their medical leave.

Users can generate a MedicalCertificate for a specific ServedPatient by invoking the MedicalCertificateCommand accompanied by the ServedPatient 's index in the ServedPatientList. The below sequence diagram illustrates how the MedicalCertificateCommand works.

Figure 3. Sequence diagram for MedicalCertificateCommand.

When the MedicalCertificateCommand is executed, it will construct a new MedicalCertificate object and extract the relevant information from the ServedPatient specified by the index. Shown below is how information like numMcDays is formatted into the medical certificate document template.

    public String formatInformation() {
            int numMcDays = getMcDays();
            DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("dd/MM/yyyy");

            StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
            stringBuilder.append("This is to certify that the above-named patient is unfit for duty for a period of ")
                    .append("<b>" + numMcDays + "</b>")
                    .append(" <b>day(s)</b>, from ")
                    .append("<b>" + + "</b>")
                    .append(" <b>to</b> ")
                    .append("<b>" + - 1).format(formatter) + "</b>")
                    .append(" <b>inclusive.</b><br><br>")
                    .append("This certificate is not valid for absence from court attendance.<br><br>")
                    .append("<b>Issuing Doctor:</b> Dr Chester Sng" + "<br>");
            return stringBuilder.toString();
Executing mc with an invalid index will not result in the generation of a MedicalCertificate.

Implementation of ReferralLetter

The ReferralLetter class structure is as follows:

  • Has attributes of the ServedPatient it is generated from, which includes the ServedPatient 's name and IcNumber.

    • These attributes are marked as final as they should not be changed.

  • Contains additional information like the doctor’s notes and patient’s referred location.

Users can generate a ReferralLetter for a specific ServedPatient by invoking the ReferralLetterCommand accompanied by the ServedPatient 's index in the ServedPatientList. The below sequence diagram illustrates how the ReferralLetterCommand works.

Figure 4. Sequence diagram for ReferralLetterCommand.

When the ReferralLetterCommand is executed, it will construct a new ReferralLetter object and extract the relevant information from the ServedPatient specified by the index. Shown below is how information like referralContent and noteContent are formatted into the referral letter document template.

    public String formatInformation() {
            String referralContent = getReferralContent();
            String noteContent = getNoteContent();

            StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
            stringBuilder.append("This is to certify that the above-named patient has been referred to: ")
                    .append("<b>" + referralContent.toUpperCase() + "</b>" + "<br><br>")
                    .append("Dear Specialist, please assist the above-named patient in the following matter:<br>")
                    .append(noteContent + "<br><br>")
                    .append("Kindly do accept him under your care. Thank you very much.<br><br>")
                    .append("<b>Issuing Doctor:</b> Dr Chester Sng" + "<br>");
            return stringBuilder.toString();
Executing refer with an invalid index will not result in the generation of a ReferralLetter.

Design Considerations

Aspect: Implementation of adddocument, MedicalCertificate and ReferralLetter Commands
  • Alternative 1 (current choice): The issuing doctor’s name is hard-coded into the MedicalCertificate and ReferralLetter HTML template.

    • Pros: No need for an extra parameter to key in the issuing doctor’s name, which is helpful when there is only one doctor working in a clinic.

    • Cons: There may be more than one doctor working in a clinic.

  • Alternative 2: Include a mandatory parameter id/ISSUING_DOCTOR to the adddocument command for the issuing doctor to key in his/her name.

    • Pros: Different doctors can sign off the medical certificates and referral letters.

    • Cons: Slightly more typing is necessary before doctors can execute the adddocument command.